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International Conference

Thursday, 1. Juli till Friday, 2. Juli 2004, Trier

Saturday, 3. Juli 2004, Exkursion to Dudelange


Alienation/ Racism/ Interculturality.

Interaction and Communication in Processes of Migration


Organizer: Institute for Regional and Migration Research (IRM)
Heinrich-Boell-Foundation RLP


Conference languages: German and English


For information and contact:

Institute for Regional and Migrational Research (IRM)
contact@irm-trier.de, www.irm-trier.de



Migratory processes are always considered as various processes of encounters, of mental, cultural and social exchanges. By means of migration, new communicative relationships can begin to exist and new social, cultural and political actions can develop. However, the encounters within migratory processes do not come about without preconditions. The European mind-set associated with non-European cultures was heavily determined by colonialism. The spread of European dominance of the world resulted in the formation of mentality structures in Europe which are still valid today. The contact with the foreign and the ‘Other’ is determined above all by forms of hierarchies and dominance. These can be found both in the concepts of ‘culture’ and in the perceptions of ‘race.’ This becomes apparent especially in new forms of racism, which leave the biological constructions of ‘race’ behind and are based on the cultural constructions of ‘race,’ which promote the invariability of cultural features and imprinting.


In the context of this conference, the close interrelation of alienation, racism and interculturality will be dealt with: Which types of hierarchies exist in particular contexts? How did they come into existence? Which times of new developments can be observed? Which special forms of gender stereotypical classifications and hierarchies can be revealed? How is alienation constructed, what are the reasons for it, and what consequences does alienation have on foreigners?


The terms of interculturalism and of multiculturalism also will be examined critically, as they are often employed in a positive sense to counter racism. However, do they not themselves contribute to transporting images of cultures as being homogenous and already clear-cut? And don't they reproduce them as well? What are the mechanisms that become apparent in the area of cultural and social hegemony and change the ‘intercultural discourse’ into a discourse on power and dominance?


During the conference, we will deal with and discuss what measures and actions can contribute to abolishing existing mechanisms of hierarchies and exclusion.



Thursday, 1. July 2004


2:00 p.m.

Welcoming Address and Opening of the Conference,

Thomas Geisen, M. A. Sociologist (Institute for Regional- and Migration-Research (IRM))


2:00-6:00 p.m

  • Prof. Dr. Alois Hahn (Universität Trier): “About the Significance of the Foreign for the Construction of the Self”
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Antweiler (Universität Trier): “Interculturalism and Ethnification. About the Consequences of Dissolving the Term of Culture.“
  • Prof. Dr. Ursula Apitzsch (Universität Frankfurt): “Migration and Hegemonial Culture. Critical Thoughts Following Antonio Gramsci”
  • Thomas Geisen, M. A. (Institute for Regional and Migrational Research (IRM)): “Migration, Identity and Hidden Dominance”



7:30 p.m.

Opening of the exhibition “Little Italy” in Luxembourg.


Antoinette Reuter and Christian Kandzia (Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations humaines, Dudelange)


Mannijo – « Lidder iwer d’ Grenzen / Chansons transfrontiéres/ Lieder über die Grenzen ! » Jo Nousse and Manfred Pohlmann will perform songs together leaving geographical borders behind: They sing in German, French, but mostly in Moselfränkisch. There will be some songs in Catalan, Occitan, Yiddish .


8:00 p.m. evening lecture

- Prof. Dr. Birgit Rommelspacher (Berlin): “About the Relationship of Alienation, Racism and Interculturality”



Friday, 2. July 2004


9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

  • Prof. Dr. Peter Marcuse (Columbia University, New York): “Ambivalent Relations between Planning and Segregation. How Does/Can Planning Influence, Restrain and Overcome Cultural and Ethnic Segregation?”
  • Jürgen Staadt, M. Eng (Trier): “Minorities and Interculturality: Solving Societal Problems through Interdisciplinary Co-operation”
  • Paola Sannino (Queen’s University, Belfast): ”Approach to the Modern Western World. Russian-Yiddish Press at the End of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th centuries”
  • Ane Kleine, M. A. (IRM): „The Invention of the Argentinean Shtetl. Cultural Adaptation and Segregation of Jewish Migrants in Argentina”
  • Claude Wey (Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations humaines, Dudelange): “The Luxembourgian ‘ArgentinienfahrerInnen’ in the 19th Century: Migrants in the Field of Tension of Ideological Currents”.


3;00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

  • Prof. Dr. Sinan Özbek (Istanbul): “Thoughts on Racism in Turkey”
  • Rena Danailove (Bulgaria): “Image of Self and Image of the Other: Teaching Respect for Rom Ethnic Diversity in Bulgaria“
  • Prof. Dr. Phil Cohen: (University of East London): “Racism and Anti-Racism in the Paedagogical Debate”
  • Dr. Piero Galloro/ Pascal Tisserant (Université de Metz): “Acculturation of Italian Immigrants in Lorain. Results from a Socio-historical and Psycho-sociological Research Project in the Cross-border-region Belgium-Luxemburg-France”
  • Maria Wurm, M. A. (Universität Bochum): “Salsa-bars and Turkish discos. About Social Hierarchies and Racism in the Acceptance of ‘Ethno-pop Cultures.’”



Saturday, 3 July 2004


10:00 a.m.

Excursion to Dudelange, Luxembourg Departure from Trier


11.00 a.m.

Welcoming in the Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations humaines, then sightseeing tour of «Little Italy » (part of town of Dudelange)


approx. 2:00 p.m.

return journey to Trier


Exhibition and Excursion

“Little Italy” in Luxembourg – an exhibition of the Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations humaines


1 July – 15 July 2004, VHS-Bildungszentrum / People's University, Education Centre
opening hours: Mo, Tu, Fr, 12:00 – 5:00 p.m., Wed 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


“Little Italy” is a small section in the Luxembourgian city of Dudelange. It mirrors the rise and fall of the steel industry, which shaped the region for about 100 years. “Little Italy” can provide an insight both into the development of the extraction of ore and the industrial steel processing production as well as the living conditions of the people who settled close to their workplaces. First came migrants from Italy. Then migrants from Portugal followed. Today it is their influence that is predominant in this neighborhood. Everywhere in this space, one can sense that the residents have brought along their heritage of culture, customs, and traditions.


This photo exhibition – in an unusual panorama format - provides impressions of the world and living conditions of these migrants and focuses both on their daily lives and on special events.


Institute for Regional and Migration Research (IRM)


As part of the activities of the Institute for Regional and Migration Research (IRM), the causes, conditions and results of migration processes will be examined. Migration is understood to be a social fact, which is subject to structural conditions - politically and economically - and is also actively formed as a result of subjective processes of decision. Therefore, the network of interdependent relationships arising from migration will be examined and charted concretely in terms of specific structural regions and areas of activity. This investigation will be conducted in connection with a program of interdisciplinary research. In addition, through seminars and the publication of a series of books by the Frankfurter IKO-Verlag, the actual results of such regional and migration research will be presented and made accessible to researchers and the general public.




VHS-Bildungszentrum / People's University, Education Centre

Palais Walderdorff/ Domfreihof 1b, 54224 Trier, Germany



Institut for Regional and Migration Research (IRM)

contact@irm-trier.de, www.irm-trier.de


Participants in the international conference and planned excursion should be registered in advance via email: contact@irm-trier.de), As part of the registration process, conference fee of 15 EURO should be remitted (please transfer to the account of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung RLP (Sparkasse Mittelhardt Deutsche Weinstraße, BLZ 546 512 40, Kto.Nr. 151 253 70)



Institut für Regional- und Migrationsforschung (IRM)

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung RLP


Co-operation partners are :

  • Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations humaines (Luxemburg)
  • Volkshochschule der Stadt Trier
  • DGB Region Trier
  • Universität Trier, FB IV Ethnologie
  • Universität Trier, FB II Japanologie
  • Internationales Zentrum an der Universität Trier
  • Akademisches Auslandsamt der Universität Trier
  • ASTI – Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés (Luxemburg)
  • Umdenken hbs Hamburg
  • Bildungswerk Berlin der hbs



The conference is part of the nation-wide project “Culture, Identity and Politics” in which Heinrich Boell Foundation offices in various federal states in Germany and the Heinrich Boell Foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany cooperate.





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