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Assoziierte MitarbeiterInnen














Assoziierte MitarbeiterInnen


Sultan Atilgan

is a PhD candidate in Politics and Social Sciences Programme at Marmara Uiversity in Istanbul, Turkey. After she received her BA in Public Administration she graduated from MA programme of Politics and Social Sciences at Marmara University. She is currently research assistant of Prof. Dr. Sema Erder’s and Dr. Selmin Kaska’s research for IOM (International Organization for Migration), called “Irregular Migration and Trafficking in Women: The Case of Turkey”. Atilgan has also published some articles and presented some papers on the New Right, and on women. Her areas of interest are political parties, new right, women and gender, irregular migration.


Christel Baltes-Löhr  

Dr. Christel Baltes-Löhr, Dipl.-Pädagogin; Studium an der Universität Trier, Kollegiatin im Graduiertenkolleg „Identität und Differenz. Geschlechterkonstruktion und Interkulturalität (18.-20. Jahrhundert), Universität Trier; Promovendin zum Thema „Identität und Migration“; Forschungsschwerpunkt: Frauen- und Genderforschung.


Martin Behringer  

Studienabschluss Erziehungswissenschaft an der FU Berlin, arbeitete im NGO Bereich zum Thema Antirassismus und Menschenrechten. Lebt und arbeitet derzeit in Mexiko Stadt.


David Cairns  

Jhrg. 71, D. Phil. Sociology, B.A. in Sociology/Psychology, studies in Belfast; at present, senior research associate at the Social Sciences Institute of the University of Lisbon; current work includes studies on youth and migration, return migration and comparative european migration experiences


Pat Cox  

Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Work, Faculty of Health, University of Central Lancashire, Preston PR1 2HE, UK. Pat Cox has co-edited a book, and authored and coauthored 4 chapters and 8 refereed journal articles. She has co-edited 4 special issues of journals and has presented at 17 international conferences and 10 national conferences. She provided a written submission to the Victoria Climbie Inquiry (2002). Her research focuses on issues for children, young people and their families. She recently undertook community-based research where she recruited young people as co-researchers.


Hsueh-Fang Lin  

Diplom-Volkswirtin, Taiwanesin, Promotion in Volkswirtschaftslehre. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Frauen-, umwelt-, regional, und sozialpolitische Themen. Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen: Social Policy (mit Eric Owen Smith). In: The German Economy, Erich Owen Smith (Hrsg.), Verlag Routledge, London 1994, S.195-253. Taiwanesische Frauen im Aufbruch in die Politik, IfSF, Trier 1997. Mit "market economy" gegen "market society": Ist eine Sozialpolitik des "Dritten Weges" Sozial? In: Fokus Europa, Sanja Brkic (Hrsg.), IKO-Verlag, Frankfurt 2001, S.49-85


Allen Karcher  

born 1948, Associates Degree (1969), further studies at the University of Chicago, UICC, Washington University (USA) and Woodbrooke College and Bradford University (England); Doctorate in Divinity (1979), currently translating, editing, writing. Main area of emphasis: prophetic witness with respect to social justice, peace, and the environment.


Selmin Kaska

Dr. works at the Department of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at the Marmara University in Ýstanbul. M.A in Politics and Social Sciences from Marmara University; M.A. in Social Sciences from the University of Warwick, Comparative Labour Studies Programme; PhD. in Politics and Social Sciences from Marmara University (2000). Her research interests are: political sociology, sociology of labour and gender dimension of migration.


Nanda Kishore

Bachelor of Commerce from Bangalore University (India); Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws from the London School of Economics, U.K.; areas of work: Constitutional Law, Human Rights Law, Civil Litigation, Land Aquistioni, Judical Review of State Action, Agricultural Reforms; currently practicing at the High Court Bar at Bangalore


Kiriwai Tapuke

Kiriwai has worked in various roles within the non-profit and corporate sector in New Zealand and has been fortunate to indulge her love of travel and exploring the world while living and working in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. She is active as an English editor for IRM.




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